His Majesty The King of Azande

King Rikito is the great-grandson of King Gbudue who was dethroned and killed by British colonial powers in 1905. Rikito has been the paramount chief of Yambio for over 20 years.
Beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee.
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The Azande

The Azande
Zande legends show that several clan dynasties ruled the Azande community at different epochs. The three most recent of the Azande dynasties are the Angbapio dynasty, the Abakundo dynasty and the current Avongara dynasty. Except for the Avongara dynasty, not much is known about what caused the rise and collapse of previous dynasties. There is sufficient evidence based on Zande legends to show that several clan dynasties ruled the Azande community at different epochs. The three most recent of the Azande dynasties are the Angbapio dynasty, the Abakundo dynasty and the current Avongara dynasty.
The History of the Azande
An overview of the sequence of events leading to the rise of the Avongara dynasty is here provided in an attempt to highlight the role played by the Azande public in this dynastic change. Except for the Avongara dynasty, not much is known about what caused the rise and collapse of previous dynasties.